We have once again teamed up with international law firm Gowling WLG, this time bringing you a webinar on the subject of equal pay, including best practice audits and the role of legal privilege. Sharing their expert knowledge and experience in this area, Paydata’s Tim Kellett will deliver the session alongside Jane Fielding, Partner and Head of Employment, Labour & Equalities at Gowling WLG.
Designed to provide clarity and practical advice on this important and current subject, the webinar will cover:
Gender pay gap reporting and equal pay – understanding the difference
The difference between gender pay reporting and equal pay.
How might ethnicity reporting have an impact?
What are the risks of an organisation ignoring equal pay?
Conducting an Equal Pay Audit
Best practice
Common challenges and how to overcome them
The role of legal privilege in conducting an Equal Pay Audit
Why is understanding legal privilege important?
What does legal privilege entail in practice?
Managing equal pay claims
What does equal pay litigation look like?
What defences might be available to an employer facing an equal pay claim?
The webinar is free to attend and will take place as an online session. Please register using the link included above and feel free to share this opportunity with any of your colleagues who may be interested. Upon registration, you will receive full access details.
Should you have any queries, please do get in touch.
Tim Kellett
Managing Director
Tim is a passionate HR specialist with over 20 years’ experience in pay and reward. As a director of Paydata, Tim has worked with thousands of satis...