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To complement our job evaluation solutions and our PayGrade system, this package of services enables your organisation to fully implement job evaluation and ensure that its potential is maximised for years to come.

What is Job Evaluation: Ongoing Consultancy Support

Depending on the package selected, organisations can benefit from our expertise which includes evaluating a number of your jobs, additional job evaluation training or even a one day health check to review the top three tiers of the organisation.

It complements the PayGrade job evaluation software and provides a comprehensive support service for organisations, ensuring that all evaluations are kept up-to-date and relevant.

The following table outlines each of our packages

Organisations subscribe to their selected package on a 12-month rolling contract with the full 12 months invoiced in advance, similar to the PayGrade job evaluation licence.

Why use our Job Evaluation: Ongoing Consultancy Support

Job Evaluation Responsibilities

Benefit from ongoing support to fulfil your job evaluation responsibilities.

Support Job Evaluation Software

Access our expertise on a rolling basis to support your use of PayGrade Job Evaluation Software.

Keep up to date

Ensure that their evaluations are always kept up-to-date. Job evaluation is not meant to be a one-off exercise and must be maintained to be effective.

Maintain Job Grading Framework

Define and maintain a job grading framework that can also lead into pay benchmarking

Would you like to know more about our Job Evaluation: Ongoing Consultancy Support Service? Get In Touch...

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