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Paydata conducts a specialist Salary Survey, covering healthcare companies. This provides companies with valuable, accurate and specific external market information to inform reward decisions, much of which is not available anywhere else, to inform decisions.

Benefits of the Health Care Salary Survey membership

Best Market Practice

Determine market practice on pay and benefits for Health Care roles across the UK.

Compare Employers

Compare with relevant employers that operate within the sector, many of whom only contribute to Paydata’s survey.

Anytime Data

Receive up to date market practice whenever you need it over a 12 month period.

Vital Internal Decisions

Inform your internal decisions in a highly competitive labour market.

Fully Supported

Telephone support from Paydata on industry trends (e.g. pay awards) and over 15 years’ reward experience within the sector.

Stay up to date

Sign up for briefings on pay benchmarking, salary surveys, reward strategy and statistical updates.

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