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Tom Nicholls - Group Director, Human Resources

At L&Q we looked at our Pay and Reward strategy and conducted a review to design a more streamlined approach, holding focus groups and analysing best practice elsewhere. We chose to work with the Paydata team who have really added value to the work that we have been driving forward at L&Q.

London & Quadrant (L&Q) is one of the UK’s leading housing associations and one of London’s largest residential developers. They own or manage over 90,000 homes in London and the South East.

How we helped London and Quadrant (L&Q)

The Issue

The project addressed two key challenges:


Difficulty managing a full HR agenda


Complicated approach to job evaluation, grading and pay

Our Solution

First, we suggested adopting multi-purpose role profiles. These replace the existing job descriptions which had largely become task lists. The role profiles would include the job purpose and main accountabilities, as well as financial and people management dimensions.

Secondly, we suggested replacing the previous job grading arrangements with our own PAYgrade job evaluation system. Together with its web-based software application it is simple to set up and maintain, and would enable a rapid transfer of skills to the L&Q HR Team.

How Paydata helped L&Q streamline their approach to job evaluation, grading and pay

Read the full case study

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How it worked


Creation of role profiles


The use of PAYgrade job evaluation system


A full benchmark report and developed salary scales

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