An organisation that has an open and effective way of communicating between its teams is automatically more cognisant of its employees, making it easier to recognise those who make positive contributions and those who require more training and professional development.
At best, ineffective communication can prevent an employee from knowing what they need to do next. At worst, an important message, which might come from a disgruntled customer, for example, can be misunderstood or ignored, and what could have been a simple issue to overcome turns into a major incident.
To understand good business communication, you need to strip it back to the key core elements of how to communicate - the written word and the spoken word, as well as speaking and listening skills - and developing channels to ensure that the right messages are reaching the right audiences at the right time.
But the benefits go beyond just that.
Anyone who has worked for a company and feels too worried to open their mouth and say something will understand how damaging that can be; damaging to the individual and damaging to the company. A healthy workplace culture is one in which:
In short, effective workplace communication is a vital element in successful business, encouraging employee engagement which will contribute towards better employee retention and improved productivity and performance levels.
One target area in which good business communication can be improved is through the way in which internal meetings are held. The key goal for any internal meeting is to ensure employees walk out of that meeting knowing exactly what they have to do and why. To achieve this, you need to answer clearly:
In order to achieve this, all communications must consist of the following:
But this approach could be translated across all areas of business, from communicating business plans and expectations, to implementing a new reward strategy. Communicating clearly, engaging with and acknowledging feedback from the audience is key to success.
Now that we have established how important it is to ensure that there is effective communication in the workplace, integrating that strategy throughout an organisation is key to ensuring its success.
Establish a good network of channels
There is a myriad of different communication channels that can be used at different levels within an organisation. Internet technology has been instrumental in improving the ability of teams to confer on issues regardless of whether they are in different rooms or on different continents. Consider the full circle of communication – not just how you might communicate it out, but how feedback might be received and managed. The exchange of information and experiences plays a significant role in maintaining high standards of quality and service throughout.
Be consistent
Communication is not an activity that you ‘do’ when you get the time, but a value that should be built into every minute of the working week and into your internal processes to ensure that everyone who needs to be kept in the loop, is. Whether it is holding a daily check-in meeting with various teams or building checks and notifications into daily processes, effective workplace communication is the very foundation of every aspect.
Eliminate time-wasting
Effective communication also ensures that any time wasted is kept to a minimum. There is nothing more frustrating than sitting in a meeting and having the same point discussed round and round in circles - and not coming to any conclusion. Not only is this a significant waste of time and resources, but it is exasperating for all concerned, creates conflicts where no need exists, stymies productivity and can hold up overall progress toward common goals.
Invest in communications training
While there will always be those who seem to be able to communicate naturally well, it is actually a skill that can be learnt. You can encourage your workforce to be more confident in communication skills by investing in communication training for them. Becoming more adept in both speaking and writing, learning how to structure an argument best, and putting this forward with confidence and authority will benefit your organisation in many different ways.
Talk to us today to discuss how integrating a rewards strategy is key to an overall improvement in internal communications with your teams.
Managing Director
Tim is a passionate HR specialist with over 20 years’ experience in pay and reward. As a director of Paydata, Tim has worked with thousands of satis...
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