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It is incredibly important to reward employees appropriately, so they know they are appreciated for their efforts. Rewards for employees can come in many forms, and it is important to provide a blend of solutions. This is because each employee is different, and their individual personalities need to be considered when thinking up employee reward ideas. For instance, some employees appreciate public recognition, whereas others would prefer to stay out of the limelight. As a result, finding the right reward for employees means keeping their comfort zone in mind.

To that avail, detailed below are some effective ways to reward staff.

Offer professional development opportunities

When it comes to rewarding staff, facilitating them in the progression of their professional development shows them you care about their careers. Therefore, staff reward ideas might include access to subscription learning services or funding for a professional certification course. Not only does funding employees’ professional education help them develop their careers, but it shows them that you feel they are worth the investment. This will make them feel valued by the company, which contributes to their happiness at work. As an employer, it is important to ensure this happiness to improve employee retention and performance.

Host an Employee Appreciation Day

National Employee Appreciation Day falls on the first Friday of March, and this can be taken as an opportunity to recognise your employees’ efforts. There are many ways to celebrate Employee Appreciation Day, from an awards ceremony to a fun day trip. If you are unsure of which route to take, simply ask your employees what they would enjoy the most and welcome suggestions. Undoubtedly, not everyone will agree on the same thing, so you might host a poll and opt for the majority vote. This is the fairest and easiest way to ensure everyone has a good time.

Pass out a rotating trophy

Another one of the most effective staff rewards ideas is to create a trophy that gets passed around the company to recognise the efforts and achievements of different individuals. Each week, this trophy could go to someone new to reward them for achievements or behaviours that align with the values of the company. During this week, they can showcase the trophy at their desk before it is passed to the next winner the following week. It is a small gesture, but low cost solution that can mean a lot to employees.

Provide sabbaticals for long-term employees

When it comes to rewarding long-term employees, sabbaticals offer a valuable option. Once most commonly associated with academia, sabbaticals have become more common in other professional settings. Say an employee has been with the company for five, 10, or more years, you might offer them a sabbatical. This provides your most dedicated employees with the opportunity to pursue personal interests. These interests might include volunteering, writing a book, travelling, taking a class, or anything else. Upon returning from sabbatical, employees will feel rested and refreshed, ready to take on the challenges of the job once again.

Provide extended breaks

On a long and challenging day, an hour lunch break can feel like 10 minutes. Therefore, you might offer extended breaks to teams or individuals on set days each week. Without sufficient breaks, your employees are sure to get burnt out. You can help prevent this from happening by providing them with ample time to recuperate from the pressures of their duties.

When an employee feels refreshed, this enables them to deliver the best possible results. Meanwhile, it results in them feeling content in their position, improving employee retention figures.

Appreciate employees on social media

Social media is more influential than it ever has been before, making it a platform on which you can display appreciation. As previously mentioned, some employees appreciate public forms of recognition, and social media is the ideal platform to carry this out. Whether it is on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter, you can share posts relating to the achievements of certain employees. Just make sure the individual is comfortable with this ahead of posting. As an additional bonus, this allows your business to reap the benefits of a more personal approach.

Celebrate birthdays

Whether you give employees the day off on their birthday, give them a gift, or throw them a little lunchtime party, this is an effective way of recognising and rewarding them. It has never been easier to keep track of birthdays as it is in today’s digital age; there are so many calendar apps that will notify you of the person’s birthday ahead of the big day. As we get older and go to work, birthdays are often treated as any other day; you can prevent this from happening by celebrating the birthdays of your employees.

Refine your reward strategy with Paydata

As a leading reward management consultancy, we have a few reward ideas for employees up our sleeves. Learn more about our reward strategy and design services here.

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