Our blogs discuss the latest developments and give you our views on key matters shaping the HR landscape.
14 October 2021
As an employer, your top priority should be ensuring your employees are happy, content, and unlikely...
12 October 2021
The last several months have seen a phenomenon labelled ‘The Great Resignation’ around the world...
5 October 2021
With vacancies at an all time high and recruitment and retention challenges common, successfully man...
28 September 2021
The concept of hybrid working has come to the fore as a new term, signalling the use of technology a...
21 September 2021
Job vacancies have hit an all-time high as the economy recovers. The number of vacancies posted betw...
14 September 2021
Businesses are emerging from the pandemic increasingly thinking about how best to organise their app...
31 August 2021
The delayed Gender Pay Gap deadline is fast approaching. Are you prepared? In this guest blog, pay g...
26 August 2021
Reward strategy and design are essential facets of attracting and retaining the best-performing tale...
24 August 2021
Remote working has been mandated by the pandemic for many employees, which has led to an ‘overtime...
22 August 2021
Here at Paydata, we specialise in reward strategy and design. While it is an integral part of staff ...
17 August 2021
Over the course of the pandemic, the impact on mental health has been universally under the spotligh...
12 August 2021
Want to know more? We want to say thank you to all those who participated in the s...