How UK organisations are managing gender pay reporting
Planning is generally underway, with 48 per cent of respondents having completed their overall planning but 18 per cent are still at the initial planning stage.The question for many organisations is when they will be in a position to publish their data. Seven per cent of respondents are not required to publish their data on the gender pay gap, as these organisations have less than 250 employees. For those required to publish their gender pay statistics, the majority said that it was too early to tell when they would publish data. The remaining respondents were split over the next few months until the cut-off date of April 2018. The most popular month amongst respondents planning to publish was December 2017, followed by January 2018.
Concerns about the reporting continue to centre on how employers meet the requirements when they operate in a male-dominated industry; effectively communicating what it means to employees; and the negative perception of results.