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Are there any topical issues you would like to discuss within your sector?

Our HR and reward events offer an easy way to network and exchange views with other HR and reward professionals in your industry. The meetings provide a general overview of reward trends and what is happening in the market, followed by an open forum discussion on reward issues.

Paydata’s spring 2017 meetings

Peterborough - Tuesday, 28 February
Property and Construction Consultancy - Thursday, 16 March
Residential Care Sector - Thursday, 23 March
Housing Associations - Friday, 31 March
Construction - Tuesday, 25 April
Call Centre - Tuesday, 23 May
Professional Associations and Institutes - Tuesday, 23 May
Combined FM/M&E – Tuesday, 23 May


What’s on your HR agenda for spring 2017?

At each meeting we give the attendees the opportunity to discuss topical issues currently on their agenda, and last year saw a variety of topics being brought to the table. All industries had a particular set of issues that they wanted to discuss, but there were topics that all sectors were concerned about, many of which continue to be an issue for many for 2017.


Top talking points for 2016 were:

The Apprenticeship Levy The National Living Wage The new Gender Pay Gap reporting legislation The effect of Brexit on reward If you are interested in attending on our events or would like more information, please email vickih@paydata.co.uk

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