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We have now had over 150 participants in the spring 2017 edition of our UK Reward Management Survey, and I thought you would be interested in some initial trends emerging in certain areas.

Looking at the data we have collected so far, we can see trends emerging in relation to how people are managing gender pay reporting and the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy:

Whilst more than 30 per cent of participants expect the number of apprenticeships to increase as a result of the new Apprenticeship Levy coming into force, over 40 per cent don’t expect there to be any change;
When asked if participants are facing any other issues as a result of the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy, concerns raised included the need to reduce/reprioritise learning and development budgets, the potential customer backlash against increased costs, and the consideration of basic salary to attract sufficient and appropriate candidates; and
When asked if participants anticipate any problems or issues arising from the new Gender Pay Reporting requirements, responses mainly relate to employers operating in a predominantly male dominated industry, employees confusing the Gender Pay Gap figures with Equal Pay and the negative perception of results.
The survey has had a great response but we are looking to expand participation even further. If you haven’t had the chance to take part yet, you can access the survey here. It is free to take part and should only take a few minutes to complete.

All participants will receive a full copy of the report, which also covers market trends on employee recruitment and retention, pay and bonus levels, when it is published.

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