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The spring 2017 edition of the Paydata UK Reward Management Survey is now closed. 

This survey is designed to provide you with the information you need to take an informed view about what is happening in UK reward management. Our report reviews business activity, employment, base pay, bonuses and HR budgets and agendas, as well as featuring questions on a topical issues. It builds on the successful surveys we have conducted over the past seven years, enabling emerging trends to be identified.

Find out how UK organisations are managing Gender Pay and the Apprenticeship Levy 

As well as covering the usual pay and bonus outlook, this edition also covers sections on gender pay reporting and the Apprenticeship Levy. We know these are areas of interest for many of our customers and therefore would like to track current practice and concerns.

Receive a free report and sector analysis

The whole survey should only take you a few minutes to complete and all participants will receive a free report of the results. Subject to participation, there will also be additional sector analysis reports created that compares your industry against the general market.


We understand that some of the information we are asking for may be commercially sensitive. We therefore give you two assurances: we will never share your confidential information with anyone else; and we will only produce a summary report of the results making it impossible to identify individual answers.

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