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Paydata conducts a specialist Salary Survey customised specifically for Housing Associations. Providing companies with valuable, accurate and specific external market information to inform reward decisions, much of which is not available anywhere else.

What is the Housing Associations Salary Survey?

The Pay and Benefits Survey for Housing Associations has been established to provide employers with invaluable market intelligence. It has been specifically designed in partnership with Housing Associations to fill the gaps in benchmarking data, particularly in relation to specialist roles, which exist in current sector survey sources.

Available only to participants, the salary survey covers information regarding base pay and total cash, plus hours and benefits. The detailed report output is personalised, highlighting the employer's market position for each survey role nationally and by geographic region.

Of course, how much you choose to pay your executives is a management decision. You’ll also want to consider factors such as personal contribution and experience. But our thorough approach to benchmarking executive pay will ensure that the rewards for your top team are appropriately matched to the demands of their roles and the wider market.

Having worked in partnership with Housing Associations, salary surveys cover job roles in the following areas:

  • Community and Housing – such as anyone who is responsible for delivering a service to tenants, maintaining close relationships with partner agencies, overseeing building maintenance and on-site contractors, as well as the allocation of accommodation. Roles might include the Head of Housing, Regional and/or Neighbourhood Manager, Estate Manager and Lettings/Neighbourhoods Officer
  • Development – anyone whose position plays a role in the development of an area acquired for housing, such as the Head of Land and Development, Land Manager, Development/Project Manager, Design and Planning Manager and Development Officer
  • Asset Management / Property services – roles such as a Maintenance Manager, Compliance Manager, Contracts Manager and a Surveyor that ensure property remains affordable and attractive to tenants, as well as maintaining and upgrading property as and when needed
  • Customer / Tenant Services – anyone at a housing association responsible for liaising with tenants and/or landlords, providing service and acting as a point of contact. They might also be responsible for overseeing a team and overseeing tenant services. Such roles include Head of Customer/Tenant Services, Sustainment Manager/Officer, Tenant Liaison Officer and Customer Services Manager
  • Facilities – those who fill roles in the facilities department work to ensure the safety of the properties for tenants and are responsible for the organisations of surveys and certifications. These positions include Head of Facilities, Facilities Manager, Gas Manager, Asbestos Manager/Surveyor and Facilities Officer
  • IT – responsible for the management and use of software within the business, as well as analysing performance and reporting to a department head. Roles include Head of IT, IT Systems Manager, IT Project Manager, Business Analyst, Service Desk Coordinator
  • Human Resources – responsible for the implementation of learning and development strategies in the business as well as the handling of internal affairs. Senior positions will offer guidance to line managers on areas relating to employee wellbeing and performance. Positions include Head of HR, HR Manager, L&D Advisor/Officer, HR Advisor/Officer
  • Finance – responsible for the finances and accounting of the business, as well as payroll and pensions. Roles in finance will also be responsible for the preparation of budgets, forecasts, cash flow and expenses. These roles can include Head of Finance, Financial Controller, Management Accountant, Finance Officer, Finance Analyst and Accounts Assistant

Benefits of the Housing Associations Survey membership

Best market practice

Determine market practice on pay and benefits for specialist Housing Associations roles across the UK.

Compare relevant employers

Compare your organisation with relevant employers that operate within the sector, many of whom only contribute to Paydata’s survey.

Latest market intelligence

Receive up-to-date and accurate market practice whenever you need it over a 12-month period.

Guide decision-making

Inform your internal decisions in a highly competitive labour market to support your recruitment and retention strategy.

Ongoing support

We offer full support to help you understand industry trends (e.g. pay awards) and provide leading reward experience within the sector.

  • Survey membership costs £995 plus VAT for a 12-month subscription to the survey.
  • HR Workshop membership is free.

Access to additional reporting options are available, including a diversity report (covering market statistics on gender, service and age) and an employee market report (that provides a market rate for each matched jobholder).

Would you like to know more about our Housing Associations Salary Survey? Get in touch.

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