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Paydata offers a wide range of salary benchmarking surveys that provide companies with valuable, accurate and specific external market information to inform reward decisions, much of which is not available anywhere else.

Why are Our Salary Surveys Important to You?

Employee turnover and dissatisfaction are affected by many different variables, but none are more consistently relevant than salary. If your business is not offering an industry standard salary or better, then this leaves your employees at risk of being tempted away to a competitor with the promise of increased pay. Our salary surveys offer the best way to ethically and legally collect salary data on other businesses within your sector, allowing you to compare your own pay structure with other similar organisations.

The greatest advantage of utilising a salary survey is that the data is available all year round. Most of our survey options involve a 12-month subscription, meaning that the salary data you are referencing is always up-to-date, relevant and accessible.

Our survey systems can adapt to your requirements, allowing us to tailor-make a solution that meets your needs directly. Combine this with the latest market data, simple submission system and concise reports that we prepare, and you’re left with a flawless salary survey that captures the exact information you need with ease.

How Do We Acquire Salary Survey Data?

Our salary surveys are built using a proven approach that we have been refining for over 20 years. As most of our surveys already have a pre-defined list of job roles, sectors and desired information, we can go straight into approaching relevant businesses and asking them to take part. If a business agrees to participate in the survey, then we pass the questionnaire over to them and collect their salary data. This is compiled into a large data bank that all the participants have access to, therefore benefitting everyone who takes part. In the case of our bespoke survey solution, we first ascertain what information needs to be collected, then create an appropriate questionnaire before continuing with the normal procedure. This system ensures that the data we obtain is legal, secure and void of any personal information.

We currently offer these Salary Benchmarking Surveys: 

Industry Salary Surveys

By closely examining the needs of the contributing organisations and the scope of the survey, we can offer businesses a comprehensive and personalised salary survey solution. Working closely with all of those involved, our Industry Salary Surveys offer specialised job searches and specifically designed reports, not to mention our networking groups which bring HR professionals together and enable sector-wide development.

Support Services Survey

Our Support Services Survey covers approximately 50 common core roles that most organisations employ from all different levels of seniority, providing essential metrics and insights into the salary practices of these positions. If you’re seeking a generalised survey to benefit your organisation as a whole, then this survey will capture the data that you need.

Membership Surveys

Membership Salary Surveys are Paydata’s trade body and employers’ association survey solution. Most members of these wider organisations have similar employee structures and typically belong to a single industry or discipline. We offer a confidential salary survey solution so that members can share their salary information legally and help each other, seeing how their payment structure compares to others in the industry.

Executive Salary Surveys 

Bridging multiple sectors, our Executive Salary Surveys are the best way for participants to obtain detailed, accurate and current data on senior management roles across key business disciplines. Including job roles from Chief Executive to Health and Safety Executive, this is the best method of securing key staff members with an informed pay review.

Bespoke Pay and Benefits Surveys

For information that is not obtainable using our other salary surveys, we also have a bespoke offering to assist businesses looking for specific payment data in niche industries, roles or sectors. On top of basic salary, we can also incorporate benefits, bonuses and allowance packages into our reports so we have a solution to help no matter what your requirements.

Would you like to know more about our Salary Benchmarking Surveys? Get in touch.

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